Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dear Family,

Cindy, I and the girls flew to Hong Kong Disneyland for Thanksgiving. Yes, I know what you are thinking...why would anyone with 4 kids intentionally go on an airplane trip to Disneyland. But it was a lot of fun. Disneyland Hong Kong is a lot smaller than Anaheim but has a lot less people and you can actually get on a lot of rides. So I enjoyed it. We went with a few other couples and most of them had only girls, so it was a princess-focused trip. Attached a some pictures.

Ted and Cindy
The video below shows how well they behaved in the airport....NOT!

The girls wishing "Happy Thanksgiving" from the plane.

Ava enjoyed being a big girl and sleeping with her sisters. Lauryn, missing from the photo, is sleeping across the foot of the bed. Dad was too cheap to get another room :)

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