Saturday, April 11, 2009

Analise's birthday was Wednesday April 8th. Her school put on a fun little party for her. The family celebrated together at home that night. Ana didn't want cake but preferred eclairs so we bought 6 to represent her 6 years. Her real party was on Saturday April 10th. Cindy had a great idea to have Analise and some friends get their nails done at a salon local to our neighborhood. The following 4 videos are about 3-5 minutes each but are really cute. A lady at the salon named Tracy braided all the girls' hair for free. After the nails dried, all the girls walked over to the local Haagen Daas ice cream shop for dessert. On our way, there is a big Buddhist temple which we had to walk through which you can see in clip #3. The end of the last video clip is really cute as the girls sing Happy Birthday in Korean after they sang it in Chinese...seriously. It's so cool to have the girls exposed to so many different cultures.

Best regards,

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